deKay's Lofi Gaming

Moving Out (PS5): COMPLETED!

This is one of those intentionally obstructive co-op arcade games like Overcooked, and it has a similar art style and sense of humour to that game too. But, it’s a lot easier and I (well, we – daughter was on controller 2) had more fun with it. The aim is to clear a house of (mostly) furniture, by carrying it to the waiting lorry and packing it all in so it fits. Smaller items, like toasters and boxes, can be …

Aperture Desk Job (Steam Deck): COMPLETED!

Yes, I have a Steam Deck. And you know what? It’s actually great. I was sure it’d be horrible and clunky and just a bit wrong, but actually, it isn’t. Well, OK, it is still a bit clunky. To show off the ten trillion different sticks, buttons, pads, flaps, twiddles, surfaces and touchybits that the Steam Deck packs to ensure there’s a workable control method for just about every game you can throw at it, Valve created a free game …

Fallout 4 (PS4): COMPLETED!

Crawl out through the fallout, baby When they drop that bomb Crawl out through the fallout, baby With the greatest of aplomb Crawl out through the Fallout back to me! Oh yes. Fallout is BACK and I’ve bloody loved it. Fallout 3 and New Vegas were two of my favourite games from the last generation of consoles, and two of the most played. As soon as Fallout 4 was announced, I bought a PS4 so I’d have something to play …

Last Window: The Secret of Cape West (DS): COMPLETED!

Obviously, I’m going to have to stick some spoilers in here, otherwise I’m not going to be able to say anything about the game. Because, oh boy, were there a few reveals in the latter half of Last Window. Like in the first game, hardly anyone was quite who they appeared to be, and everyone had at least one secret to hide. The main “what?!” moment was when Dylan – as in, bumbling clumsy sticky-beak handyman Dylan – is revealed …

Last Window: The Secret of Cape West (DS)

Super Backlog Fighter! I’ve had this for almost a year now, but, like many things, it’s sat on the Pile of Shame (TM). But now I have saved it from that pile, and am playing it! On an actual DS Lite too, for added retro authenticity. Not that the game, or the DS Lite is actually that old, but you know what I mean. Many moons ago, I played Hotel Dusk: Room 101. It was a point-and-click interactive story adventure …

escapeVektor (Wii): COMPLETED!

LOOK AT IT. JUST. LOOK. Now, explain to me why Nnooo hasn’t sold eleventybrazillian copies. Why? Because nobody knows how to access WiiWare stuff on the Wii. Or even that WiiWare stuff exists. Or that their Wii can even connect to the internet. Or even that their Wii can play games that are not Wii Sports and Mario Kart. Which is a huge shame, because games like escapeVektor exist and are AWESOME, yet only seven people know about them. Of …

The Rapture: A post about the PS3

I have, in the past, been quite vocal about my dislike for Sony products. Specifically, the Playstation, Playstation 2, and the PSP. All of which I own, all of which I hate. In fact, I have no idea why I even bought a PSP. I didn’t want one, and just had £125 in my pocket one day when I saw a white one for sale for £125. Fool and his money, etc. My main gripe with all of these, but …

Dear Activision (An Open Letter about the 3DS)

Dear Activision, Now I know we rarely see eye to eye these days. Back in the days of the Atari 2600, you could do no wrong and provided me with so many hours of pleasure with your Pitfall and Frostbite and Keystone Kapers, and two decades later provided me with Tony Hawk – perhaps my most beloved of all non-platforming game series. Unfortunately, things have become a little tense between us in recent years with the murdering of the the …

Fallout 3 (360)

Two days of play in one handy diary entry. Hurrah! I was heading for Rivet City, at first through the Metro, then overland along the river. Found a house where a drunk called Dukov lived with his two lady friends, and considered killing him, but decided against it. Found loads of bandits and super mutants on the way down the riverside, as well as some centaurs, who are like squid-faced man-crabs that spit actual crap at you. Nice action! Eventually …

Fallout 3 (360)

I’ve been waiting for this for what seems like forever. Forever since Oblivion, anyway. It’s like every other game between Oblivion and Fallout 3 has existed solely to pass the time. Anyway, I’ve spend five hours game-time (but actually, longer – read on) already today. That’s a lot for me. Addicted? Of course not. Honest. I’m really, really enjoying it. The opening sequence in the vault was brilliant. I redid a bit of the escape as I didn’t manage to …

Super Paper Mario (Wii): COMPLETED!

I’ve played a lot of games. And, in recent years, I’ve completed loads too – more than 150 in less than three years, in fact. That’s all well and good, but plot twists and end boss “surprises” are becoming less and less, well, surprising. It’s no real spoiler to say that the end boss, isn’t actually the end boss as there’s another boss afterwards. This is now The Done Thing with games these days, it seems. Not that there’s anything …